Implementation and Commissioning of Protection and Control Systems for the 500KV and 230KV Sectors
The Governador Valadares 6 Substation, belonging to the ALUPAR group, was designed with protection systems using Siprotec 5 IEDs in its entirety. ISA CTEEP (IEMG) and CEMIG are the concessionaires that access the substation in the 230KV sector.
CCESE, in partnership with SIEMENS, carried out the following activities at the substation:
500KV Sector - GV6-PP2 Transmission Line - ALUPAR
Commissioning of the Teleprotection System (OPGW)
End-to-end Test with Line Differential Protection Functions (87L), Impedance Teleprotection with Permissive Scheme (85-21) and Neutral Residual Teleprotection with Permissive Scheme (85-67N)
Implementation of a special teleprotection scheme
Startup and energization of the GV6-PP2 Transmission Line
500KV Sector - Digital Oscillographs - REASON
REASON Digital Oscillograph Configuration, Including Traveling Wave (PMU) Function
Tests and trials with digital oscillographs to validate the PMU with the ONS
230KV Sector - Commissioning - ISA CTEEP Control Room
Commissioning of protection and control systems for GOV2, CSN and Auxiliary Services lines
Functional tests, interfaces and integration with yard equipment and auxiliary services
End-to-end testing of transmission lines
Testing interfaces with busbar protection
230KV Sector - Commissioning - CEMIG Control Room
Commissioning of protection and control systems for GOV2 C2, MSQ and Auxiliary Services lines
Functional tests, interfaces and integration with yard equipment and auxiliary services
Interface testing with 230KV sector busbar protection